The aim of this study is evaluating the service quality that individuals perceive according to some certain variabilities in special sport centers. While the population includes the members of sport centers in Edirne, the sample includes the members of a sport center named Sports Montana. There are 94 males and 21 females in this study which has total 115 individuals. During the collection of data, I benefit from The Service Quality of Sport-Fitness Centers in Turkey which has been developed by Ucan and Dogu in 2007. The participants has evaluated the survey consisted total 31 articles and 6 aspects via five point likert scale. Tests of frequencies, descriptive, cross tabs, Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney U have helped this study. Eventually, participants are different from each other in the way of sex, exercise type, level of income. So, their perceptions of quality vary.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1624
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