Serdar Samur, Aliye Büyükergün


This study aims to measure the impact of external factors affecting the performances of cyclists on performance improvement. The case study pattern was used in the study as a qualitative research method. The sampling method is convenient sampling, a purposeful sampling technique. Sample group: Consisted of 6 athletes aged between 22 and 30 years who have at least 10 years of sports history and are actively engaged in professional sports. Data was collected via a half-structured interview form developed by the researcher. The data obtained by an audio recorder was first transcribed. Findings of the research were analyzed by descriptive and content analysis methods. As a result of the findings analyzed during the study, the external factors affecting the performance according to cyclists are assessed under the main theme of performance-increasing factors and sub-themes of views related to family factor, economical factors, friendship and social environment and trainer factor. Factors such as moral support of the family, field-related knowledge of the trainer and his/her relationship with the athlete, social environment, and climate, geographical structure and sports culture of the region, which are considered under the training location, are thought to increase performance, whereas, it was understood that performance may decrease due to economical reasons.


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cycling, external factors, qualitative

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