This research was carried out in order to analyze whether there was a significant difference at respect value levels of secondary education students participated and not participated into the Turkish children’s street games. The research group included totally 496 secondary education students (248 females, 248 males) as 248 sportive secondary education students (124 females, 124 males) and 248 non-sportive secondary education students (124 females, 124 males) participated into Turkish children’s street games. Turkish Respect Scale (Özen, 2012) was used as the data collection tool. SPSS 19.0 package software was benefited for the analysis of the obtained data. Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis H-test were performed to determine the intergroup significant difference. According to obtained data, statistically significant difference in favor of the students participated into Turkish children’s street games were noticed at respect value levels of the students (p<0.05). Consequently, the findings obtained at the end of the research were similar to the findings of the studies carried out upon “Respect Value” previously. In this sense, it was determined that Turkish children’s street games as a sports activity positively affected the “Respect Value” levels of the children.
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