This research aims to evaluate the practicality and effectiveness of natural science subject lesson plan set on the concept of plant structure and its utilization in technology in training the critical thinking skills of junior high school students. The lesson plan set includes syllabi, lesson plan, student worksheet, teaching material, media, and assessment sheet. The development is using Plomp and Nieveen’s development steps which consist of preliminary research and prototyping. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The research is done in five months (July-November 2017) at the State Junior High Schools 1 in Banjarmasin. The subject of the small group test is 12 students of VIII B Class and field test is 34 students of VIII D Class. The subject appointment is done purposively, which based on high, medium, and low academic capability. The practicality data is obtained from 1) lesson plan implementation and 2) students’ responses. The effectiveness data is obtained from the learning result of 1) spiritual, 2) affective, 3) cognitive, 4) psychomotor, 5) critical thinking skills, 6) teachers’ activities, and 7) students’ activities. Data analysis is done descriptively. The result shows that the lesson plan set is practical to use based on the implementation of lesson plan and students’ responses. Lesson plan set is effective to use based on the criteria of the learning result of 1) spiritual, 2) affective, 3) cognitive, 4) psychomotor, 5) critical thinking skills, 6) teachers’ activities, and 7) students’ activities.
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