This study was conducted to explore the contribution of School Feeding Programme (SFP) in enhancing pupils’ schooling in Monduli District in Tanzania. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) estimates that 923 million children, most of them being from the developing countries are chronically hungry (FAO, 2008). This implies that it will be difficult to reach Millenium Development Goals (MDG’s) target of eliminating hunger and poverty. There is no doubt that ‘hungry children cannot learn’ because they cannot concentrate, they are susceptible to diseases and malnourishment. The purpose of this study therefore was to investigate how SFPs contribute to pupils’ schooling, particularly in Monduli district. In the context of this study, pupils’ schooling was considered in terms of their enrolment, retention and their active participation at school. The study employed a qualitative research design using semi structured interview as a data collection tool. The study involved primary schools which practiced SFPs within Monduli district. The study was guided by one objective; how SFP has enhanced pupils’ retention in primary schools in Monduli district. Findings revealed that SFPs has contributed greatly in enhancing pupils’ schooling in Monduli district. This has been evidenced by the increase in pupils’ enrolment and the time they are kept at school. According to the study, SFP has led pupils’ to be active in the learning process. The study concluded that it is important for these kinds of programmes to adopt cost sharing strategies between the school and parents because the government alone cannot effectively and efficiently afford managing running of the programme. The study recommends the government to strengthen SFPs in other districts within the country so that equitably children can be bound to schooling only not wandering around in search for food during school hours.
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