Matching skills to jobs has long been one of the important goals of education. The National Employability Report (2016) has highlighted the fact that engineering graduates do not fulfill the basic criteria of employability. It has been reported the current strategies do not address multiple modes and levels of numeracy, programming, computer literacy, algorithm and programming. It was revealed that students find certain subjects quite difficult and the objective based achievement test revealed failure to realize learning objectives and learning outcomes. Theory based instructional strategies and lecture mode of instructional delivery has been found to be not suited for engineering education [1]. In this study, the effectiveness of a Multiple Learning Experience based Instructional strategy (MLEIS) is explored. MLEIS is based on theories of learning, instruction design, learning styles and techno pedagogies. MLEIS envisages a skill based curricular strategy which addresses diversity, inclusiveness focusing on aspects like skill development, skill acquisition, professional competency and subject comprehension.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Ajitha Nayar K., Srikirupa V., B. Meenakshi Sundaram

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