The purpose of this study is to investigate and present the formation of the aspirations/expectations and choices of young people in relation to their educational and occupational future, as these are influenced by the ‘gender’ factor, through a review of recent sociological scientific literature. From a study of the research findings of relevant scientific papers, it emerges that there is a gender dichotomy in the choice of school subjects, disciplines and occupations, with girls making choices that are specific to positions largely held by women and boys preferring those that are ‘male-dominated’. It seems that young people are mainly oriented towards traditional stereotypical educational and occupational choices. Thus, young boys and girls activate ‘dispositions’ that are related to their educational future and their professional destination, which are suited to either ‘male’ or ‘female’ nature as timeless stereotypical patterns. In addition, social class of origin tends to dictate gender beliefs among young people, which directs them to more or less gender stereotypical choices and paths.
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