The forms of organizational regulation expressed by "Human Resources Management" started to come up after 1980s, and as a result, the concept of "work related flow", which is a positive attitude towards the act of working, gained currency. Based on this concept, the purpose of the present research is investigating whether the people who have flow experience pleasure and excitement while working. 278 pre-school teachers working in pre-school education institutions affiliated to Düzce Provincial Directorate of National Education constitute the universe of the present research conducted in the relational screening model. The work group consisted of 162 preschool teachers who were selected by convenient sampling method. "Job Satisfaction Scale" developed by Kuzgun, Sevim and Hamamcı (2005) and "Work-related Flow Scale" developed by Yalçınkaya (2013) were utilised as data collection tools of the present research. According to the findings of the present research, there is a positive relationship between the teachers' flow motivation and Job Satisfaction levels. In addition, there is a significant difference between the flow levels of teachers, employment, seniority, number of students in the class variables.
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