Gulsah Basol, Esra Balgalmis


The study's purpose was to determine the relative importance of a number of factors on achievement in a nationwide exam. Westside Exam Anxiety and Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs Scales were used for data collection purposes. Participants were 143 K-8 students, selected through availability sampling in a city in the inner middle side of the Black Sea Region of Turkey. Fifty-six percent of the students had continued to a cram school for SBS and their latest practice test score and the actual SBS scores were collected from the cram school. The findings indicated that results of the hierarchical linear regression analyses were significant in all four steps. According to the findings, except self-efficacy, three significant predictors explained 60% of variation in SBS scores; the score obtained from the latest practice test was the most effective predictor of students' success in SBS.


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SBS prep courses, cram school, SBS, TEOG, test anxiety, self-efficacy, teaching to the test.

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