School refusal behavior refers to the avoidance of a child attending school and/or persistent difficulty staying in the classroom throughout the school day. Based on a review of the scientific literature, the purpose of this study are: first, examine the pattern of school refusal from the perspective of psychoanalytic theory; the theory of behavioral and cognitive theory. Recognizing the background, trigger school refusal and intervention strategies. This paper concludes that: first, the school refusal background in psychoanalytic is from separation anxiety and hallucinations, in the cases studied student are frightened to his teacher manifested as though seeing a ghost in the classroom and outside the classrooms. In Cognitive view, the background of the school refusal i.e.: affected by irrational beliefs of students to the school. In behavioristic theory argues that school refusal as a learned response to specific stimuli associated with the school environment. The triggering factors of the school refusal i.e.: a) the child has anxiety, such as (separation anxiety), b) the fear experienced by children related to academic activities, c) a parent is sick or conflict in the family, d) the intensity of stress while at school in caused because teachers or a friends at school. Parents profile who triggered the school refusal i.e.: the parents who often took his son away and let their children do not attend school, and parents quarrel. Interventions for reducing school refusal behavior can vary in strategies i.e.: cognitive restructuring, reframing, exposure (systematic desensitization, in vivo desensitization), differential reinforcement, modeling, and extinction.
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