Mathematical problem solving is considered as one of the many endpoints in teaching Mathematics to students. This study looked into the performance in mathematics problem solving among fourth year students of Central Mindanao University Laboratory High School and their relationship with students’ attitudes towards Mathematics. The attitudes measured were Attitude towards success in Math, Mother’s mathematics attitude, Father’s mathematics attitude, Motivation, Usefulness of Math, Teacher’s mathematics attitude, Confidence in learning math, and mathematics anxiety. It also investigated the metacognitive processes of students considering varying levels of their mathematics anxiety. It used the responses of 127 students. Of the 127, (nine) 9 were selected according to their mathematics anxiety levels to determine and compare their metacognitive processes. Results showed that students consider Mathematics as useful and they have a positive attitude towards success in Mathematics. The students’ fathers, mothers, and teachers also have positive attitudes towards their mathematics learning. However, overall, the students’ performance in mathematics problem solving is considered poor. Among the eight (8) mathematics attitudes only confidence in learning Math and mathematics anxiety were correlated with performance in mathematics problem solving. Confidence in learning Math was positively correlated, while mathematics anxiety was negatively correlated with performance in mathematics problem solving. Students with high mathematics anxiety tend to confirm their solutions with their classmates. Students with moderate anxiety are test-anxious and those with low anxiety are distracted by external factors, but can readily shift their focus back to problem solving. The three (3) cases showed that students with low, moderate, and high mathematics anxiety employed mostly orientation and execution procedures. There were only few instances of verification and lesser instances of organization procedures. Self-questioning was the most observed metacognitive skill. Furthermore, students from the three (3) cases were unable to correctly answer two (2) problems, both of which are non-routine due to unfamiliarity and “experiential interference”.
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