In this research, the relationships between organizational values, job satisfaction, organizational silence and affective commitment perceptions of managers and teachers working in schools were examined. The research data were collected from 706 school administrators and teachers. Four scales were used in the study: Management Scale According to Values, Teaching Satisfaction Scale, Organizational Silence Scale and Affective Commitment Scale. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was developed to determine the relationship between variables. The data obtained in the SEM show that all hypotheses of the study are accepted. According to these findings, organizational values positively affect job satisfaction and affective commitment. Organizational values have a negative effect on organizational silence. Job satisfaction has a positive effect affective commitment. Organizational silence negatively affects affective commitment. Job satisfaction increases the influence of organizational values on affective commitment with the role of mediator. Organizational silence diminishes the role of the mediator and the influence of organizational values on affective commitment.
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