Several studies examined the relationship which exists among home, school, learners and teacher-related factors and academic performance in different subjects at various levels of education. Intriguingly, there seems to be meager literature and diverse opinions on how majority of these factors affect children cumulative learning in classroom instructional process at the primary school level. This study therefore examined the influence of home and school environmental factors on cumulative children learning in primary schools. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. Four research hypotheses guided the study. A sample size of 150 pupils eventually participated from five (5) schools in Ijebu-Ode Local Government Area of Ogun State. The Home and School-Related Factors Scale HS-RFS) and Primary Schools Cumulative Results (PSCRs) were used to gather data for the study while Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression statistical tools were used for data analysis. The results showed that there is significant correlation between home and school environmental factors and children cumulative learning in primary schools (Home Environment: B = .236 (23.6%), P<0.05; School Facilities: B = .205 (20.5%), P<0.05; School Location: B = .135 (13.5%), P<0.05). In view of the findings, it is recommended that communities, school administrators and government representatives still need to work collaboratively to improve on those factors which contribute to pupils learning in order to enhance the output from curriculum instructional process in primary schools.
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