In this study, it was desired to measure the attention levels of university students in different branches and reveal the severity, direction of the relationship between sportspeople in different branches of sport and sedentary and also the effect of sport on attention. The population of the research is composed of 942 students between the ages of 17-28 who studied at the University of Firat in 2016-2017 academic year and are active in sport activities in 16 branches (Athletics, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Futsal, Table Tennis, Tennis, Badminton, Boxing, Wrestling, Taekwon-do, Handball, Kickboxing, Folk Dance, Karate, and Marksmanship). The sample of the study consisted of 342 students selected by simple random sample method among 942 students (273 active students and 69 sedentary students). The d2 attention test was used to measure the attention levels of the students participating in the study and the obtained data were analyzed and evaluated by chi-square test, independent groups t-test and one- way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the help of SPSS 22 statistical package program. In the study, it was observed that the students who play sports in the indoor fields have better attention skills than those who do sports in the outdoor fields when sport branches played in the indoor fields were compared with the ones played in outdoor fields.
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