Trauma experiences, is a significant risk factor for mental health. Considering the prevalence of traumatic events, the effectiveness of the coping strategies used by individuals who have been exposed or witnessed these events is becoming more important. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of listening to music in coping with trauma. The research was tailored to the case study from qualitative research methods. The study group of the research consists of seven students having at least one traumatic experience and studying at a high school in the province of Rize. A semi-structured interview form consisting of 8 questions was used as the basic data collection tool in the study. The obtained data were analyzed by using qualitative data analysis techniques and content analysis technique. Analyzes made indicates that a large number of participants have tried to listen to music to cope with trauma experiences. In the process of coping with trauma, it has been determined that listening to music has neutral, positive and negative effects. It is considered that the results obtained will provide meaningful contributions to the preparation of intervention programs for individuals with traumatic experiences.
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