Võ Diễm Trinh


There has been an increasing interest in the significance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the educational field because ICT tools can benefit learners from various technological resources and from different techniques and methods of teaching. Especially, ICT is a useful tool to expose learners to authentic input in listening skill in Vietnamese context. Although much attention has been paid to the investment of ICT in classrooms by English language centers in Vietnam in general and in Can Tho city in particular, adequate concern is not given to investigate learners’ attitude toward the EFL teachers’ use of ICT tools in listening lessons. Therefore, this study aims to investigate non-English majored learners’ attitude toward the EFL teachers’ use of ICT tools in listening lessons. Fifty-two -English majored learners ‘who are studying in an English language center took part in the current descriptive study. Five-point Likert scale questionnaires (consisting of 30 items categorized into four clusters including (1) ICT tools, (2) learners’ feelings toward ICT, (3) learners’ belief and factual knowledge of ICT, (4) learners’ behavioral intentions and actions with respect to ICT; and semi-structured interviews were used as instruments to collect the data. The quantitative data was entered into the SPSS version 20.0 for data analysis. The results showed that there are some common ICT tools used by EFL teaccher in listening lessons. The results also indicated that learners have positive attitude toward EFL teachers’ use of ICT tools in listening lessons


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attitude, EFL teachers, ICT tools, listening lessons, non-English majored learners

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