Dela Aprilia Lesman, D. Dharmono, Aminuddin Prahatama Putra


There are many potentials in Rampah Menjangan Falls region, one of them is bamboo. The bamboo diversity in this region can be one source of learning for students. The problem often happens on high school learning is that the usage of learning material increases from year to year, however, the content of the teaching material is not yet thorough and it is also not based on local potential. The teaching and learning activity in progress is not able yet to nurture students’ critical thinking skill. Thus, one material which based on local potential is needed as material enrichment on biological diversity in generating students’ critical thinking skill. One of teaching materials that can be developed is scientific book. This research aims to describe the implementation effectiveness of scientific book about bamboo diversity as material enrichment on generating high school students’ critical thinking. The research type used is Research and Development. The research subject is 20 students of grade X IPA 2 SMAN 2. The data effectiveness is obtained from cognitive study result and students’ critical thinking skill. Students’ cognitive study result experiences significant increase with average score 43,75 on pretest and 82,5 on posttest. Students’ classical accomplishment percentage shows a very good category. The result of students’ critical thinking skill shows high category. The developed scientific book is stated to be effective used as material enrichment about biological diversity in generating high school students’ critical thinking skill.


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scientific book, research and development, bamboo, effective

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