This study investigated relationship between emotional intelligence, job satisfaction and productivity of librarians in Nigerian public universities. A correlational survey research design was adopted. The study population consisted of 1,254 librarians in public university libraries in Nigeria, from which 923 were selected using simple random sampling. The research instrument used was a self-developed questionnaire. Its validation was subjected to the scrutiny of experts in the areas of the variables studied; it gave a reliability coefficient of 0.91 for Emotional Intelligence; 0.78 for Job Satisfaction; and 0.94 for Productivity. A response rate of 67.2% was achieved. Data were analysed using descriptive (percentage, mean, average mean and standard deviation) and inferential (Pearson Product Moment Correlation) statistics. The study revealed a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction (r = 0.034, P < 0.05), between emotional intelligence and productivity(r = 0.032, P < 0.05) of librarians in public university libraries in Nigeria. The study concluded that contrary to general belief, job satisfaction and productivity levels of librarians in university libraries were high. It is recommended that university library management should continue to promote values that would boost emotional intelligence and increase job satisfaction and productivity of its workforce.
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