This research aims to evaluate the implementation of inclusive education for students with intellectual disability in a primary school. There are eight sub-focus of this research: the profile of students with intellectual disability, the teacher’s competencies, the curriculum being used, the facilities, the learning process, the evaluation being used, the parents, and the supporting and challenging factors. This research was carried out in Sekolah Dasar Victory Plus, located in Bekasi, West Java province, Indonesia, involving 3 students who have been diagnosed as intellectually disabled. One with IQ score of 65 (in grade 4), one with IQ score of 66 (in grade 1) and one with IQ score of 68 (in grade three). It is conducted using qualitative evaluation method to get detailed and thorough descriptions. The data used in this research are derived from interviews, observations, and documentations analysis. Research findings show that the school has been trying to provide effective inclusive education for students with intellectual disability. The effort is apparent from the presence of shadow teachers who are assigned by the school to guide the students with intellectual disability in the teaching and learning process. However, in general, it can be concluded that the implementation of inclusive education in this school has not been undertaken optimally, specifically related to curriculum modification, the presence of special education teacher, and also the facilities. It needs a strong commitment from the school, the government, and the society to fulfill the requirements in implementing an effective inclusive education.
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