The study was conducted to examine the students’ mathematic achievement and retention when a cooperative learning method of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) is used in a Thailand primary school. The research design selected for this study was quasi-experimental. A total of 72 students took part in the study and they were selected by fishbowl random sampling technique that divided them into two groups equally (control and treatment group). The 50-items are School-Based Test is formatted in the multiple-choice pattern to examine the equivalence of the academic ability of the participants of 6th grade students in 6 topics: area/perimeter, geometry, algebra, graphing, data management and probability. Overall, the participants of this study had undergone 3 tests: pretest, post-test 1 and post-test 2. ANOVA Repeated Measure was used in analysing the data. The result showed that the cooperative learning by STAD technique is most positive effective in the students’ mathematic achievement and retention. This study argues that the cooperative learning of STAD technique can facilitate students’ achievement and retention in Mathematics. Consequently, this cooperative learning technique is recommended in learning and teaching Mathematics.
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