This study focused on the development and validation of psycho productive skill multiple choice test (PSMCT) for assessment of technical college students’ achievement in mechanical engineering Craft. The study adopted the instrumentation research design and it was carried out in Nasarawa State. The population for study was 248 National Technical Certificate (NTC) III students comprising of three ability groups (42 high, 140 average and 66 low abilities). A 305 item draft copy of psycho productive skills multiple choice test items was generated and utilized as the instrument for the study. The test was used to assess students in the four Government Technical Colleges in Assakio, Mada Station, Agwada, and Doma in the study area. The data collected were analyzed using split-half technique and Kadder-Richardson (K-R20). The reliability coefficient of the test was 0.84. It was found out that there were significant differences in the mean scores of the three ability groups (high, average and low). It was recommended among others, that examination bodies (NABTEB, WAEC and NECO) should integrate the psycho productive skill multiple choice test in their examination process for certification of NTC students.
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