This study investigated supportive leadership style practiced by head teachers’ and job satisfaction of teachers’. The study was conducted among a random sample of 348 primary school teachers from Nakuru County, Kenya. A researcher developed questionnaire was administered and interview schedule. Correlation design was used for the study. Spearman’s coefficient correlation analysis was used to predict relationships between variables however; they were subjected to hypotheses test. The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between head teachers’ supportive leadership style and teachers’ job satisfaction in primary schools. Teacher job satisfaction is influenced by head teacher in giving support to teachers’ through creating pleasant environment in school for instance when teachers show lack of confidence in ability to complete a task they need motivation to move on, creating friendly climate, and verbally recognizes teachers’ achievement in a rewarding modus. Moreover, supportive persons in leadership demonstrate respect, treat everyone equally, and show concern for subordinates’ well-being. Although school tasks need to be set on clear rules; guidelines and standards of performance, routine tasks need to be strengthened to break the monotony. Supportive leader should utilize the expertise to improve activities and school structures. Spearman rho correlation coefficient relationship between head teachers’ supportive leadership style and teachers’ job satisfaction was found to be significantly positive. The study concludes that supportive leadership style practice by head teachers’ has a high positive significant correlation to job satisfaction due to head teachers’ concern for well-being, friendliness and approach. To this end teachers’ workload need to be made more challenging and interesting to eliminate routine activities. The study recommends that schools should continue focusing on leadership practices as part of their professional learning and leadership development. This development enables to maintain a continuous supply of future leaders and sustainable leadership. Institutional heads need to learn more about human behavior as it impacts on teacher performance. Head teachers’ through their actions and attitudes should create environment which induces motivation on teachers.
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