Students have not been able to understand the biology learning strategy and design materials well because not in accordance with the expected learning achievement. The lack of students' ability in mastering lecture material because almost all materials are applicative so that students find it difficult to apply the concept of lecture material when given assignments. The lecturer does not have teaching materials that are designed according to the learning achievements. Lecturers and students only use learning resources from books sold in the market. This subject is one of the subjects that provides students with the opportunity to plan, implement and evaluate classroom learning. The purpose of this study was to develop handouts based on mind map is valid. This type of research is research and development using ADDIE models consisting of five stages, namely Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation and Evaluation. The results showed that handouts based on mindmap that had been developed were considered very valid with 96% validity value so that they could be used by students of the Biology Learning Strategy and Design subject.
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