Sport Clubs’ environment is dynamic as an association. It is always in a state of flux. Besides the dynamism and evolution affect the uncertainty degree that the organization will experience, it also reduces the executive decision-making. This situation leads the organization to the crisis. This research aims to examine the subject named ‘’how to take efficient precautions against the situation of crisis which show up in contingencies at the athletic clubs. We used the descriptive research design and phenomenological method from the qualitative research methods. That the sportive constructions are versatile contains the crisis potential. Therefore, during the process of eliminating the present weaknesses people need to care about taking the early warning system on the way to avoid and solve the crisis (constant analysis of internal and external environment), preparation, preventives, reparation and recovery. The organizational structure should be flexible to adjust the changes and the communication system should be hierarchical. Because of the destructive effects of the threats and crisis coming from inter-organizational and environmental sources, the skill of resolving the crisis of the directors is of vital importance in the organization. Directors need to have necessary experience and qualification in the areas of following the environmental changes, data acquisition-interpretation related to these changes and assessment.
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