The study investigated the perception of education stakeholders on teachers’ skills and competence in private secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria in relation to its implication for curriculum implementation. The objectives of the study was to determine the skills and competencies that teachers in private secondary schools have for effective curriculum implementation in Kaduna State, Nigeria, and ascertain the relevance of teachers’ skills and competencies in curriculum implementation in private secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study consisted of 278 principals, 1183 teachers and 168 ministry of education officials. Out of these, a sample size of 29 principals, 118 teachers and 17 ministry of education officials making the total of 164 respondents used in the study. This sample size represented 10% of the entire population. The sample size was arrived at using random sampling technique in order to ensure ample representation. A researcher made instrument titled “Teachers’ Skills and Competence Questionnaire (TSCQ)” was used for data collection. The validated instrument was pilot tested and a reliability value of 0.84 was obtained. The respondents’ opinions were analysed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The null hypotheses formulated in the study were tested using Kruskal-Wallis at 0.05 level of significance. Findings from the study revealed that only very few teachers in private secondary schools demonstrated the required and necessary skills and competencies for effective curriculum implementation. Finding also revealed that to a great extent teacher’ skills and competencies is relevant in curriculum implementation in private secondary schools. Recommendations made include that secondary school teachers should be encouraged to regularly update their knowledge. However, such updating should not involve just subject-based knowledge, but include professional competencies in communication, pedagogy, counselling and ICT.
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