One of the indicators that reveals the quality of education system in a country is the physical quality of environments that education is presented. The applicability of education programmes can only be possible with the existence of physical environments organized in proper conditions. However when education environment is said, only school buildings and classrooms come to mind will be wrong. As well as school buildings when playgrounds are effectively organized, they can turn out to be a rather efficient education environment. Especially today for children who are imprisoned in concrete constructions in city life, organizing playgrounds effectively for education is an important necessity on several counts. The aim of this research is to identify physical properties of playgrounds of formal pre-school education institutions in İzmir province and contribute to amendment efforts that will be done about this subject. Since descriptive method was used in the research, current situation was analysed. Formal pre-school education institutions of the Ministry of National Education (MEB) in İzmir province formed the population of research. In sampling choice, stratified sampling method was used; each institution types of MEB giving pre-school education were accepted as a category. Accordingly, playground properties of totally 50 institutions consisted of 16 formal independent kindergarten, 24 kindergarten subsidiary of primary school and 10 practice kindergarten subsidiary of vocational high school, were identified. As data collection tool “Physical Properties of Playground Observation Form” prepared by researcher, was used. This form is in a mixed structure consisted of control list, likert type items and open-ended observation items. Content validity of assessment instrument was calculated by Miles & Huberman percentage of consent method as well as basing on opinions of specialists and it was found as .92. In analysis of quantitative data percentage, frequency and average calculations were done and the findings were presented as tables. In analysis of qualitative data, descriptive analysis method was used. According to results of research, the playgrounds of pre-school education institutions have insufficient largeness. Almost all playgrounds have concrete floor and there are no educational organizations suitable to development of children. Another remarkable finding is there is no playground separated for kindergarten in most of primary schools and vocational high schools. These results draw attention to the necessity of organizing playgrounds more effectively.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.1987
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