When the national literature (Studies conducted in Turkey) is examined in recent years, it is noteworthy that the writing activities for learning purposes have started to be widely used in educational environments. The increased work on this area has also brought the need for compiling and reviewing the studies in the literature. For this purpose, in the study, firstly what is written for learning purposes and then its use in the educational environment is discussed in the light of academic studies. In the study conducted according to the descriptive method, the articles and theses in the indexed journals were scanned in databases such as Ebsco Host, Ulakbim, National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education and Google Academic. Between 2009 and 2017, a total of 33 scientific publications on literacy writing were included in the research. In the analysis through articles and theses reached: The purpose, teaching stages, type of research/data collection tools, methods and results used as a analize units. As a result, it was seen that, the national field was mostly worked for similar purposes and similar results were achieved. These studies, which were mostly completed with quantitative research methods, showed that writing activities for learning purposes had positive effects on students' academic achievement, and sometimes positive and sometimes no effects on their attitudes.
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