Plant anatomy is the knowledge that can reveal everything related to the inside of plants, including inter-cell relations, cell functions and tasks as the constituent body of living things and other cell functions. Based on observations that researchers have conducted on the subjects of plant anatomy, there are several problems, namely that students are unable to describe and understand the structure of the tissue that composes plant organs. Students still use simple media in lectures. During the practicum students still use monocular and binocular microscopes, so that the observations do not match the original picture. Therefore has developed atlas media constructivism oriented in the Plant Anatomy subject. Atlas media development oriented constructivism uses a model of four-D models with stages that define, design, develop and disseminate. In this research, the development phase is the practicality stage by the lecturer. The results showed that the atlas media constructivism oriented in the Plant Anatomy subject was practically used by lecturers and students.
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