Aytekin Alpullu, Sinan Bozkurt


There are several different methods of learning motor skills, like traditional (linear) and differential (nonlinear) learning training. The traditional motor learning approach proposes that learners improve a skill just by repeating it. According to the teaching principles, exercises are selected along continua from easy to hard and from simple to complex. The differential learning approach is mainly characterized by taking advantage, for the purpose of learning, of fluctuations that occur, without movement repetitions and without corrections during the skill acquisition process. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of differential training on technical development of between 10-12 year-old basketball players who have been continuing basketball education. Twenty-three (23) basketball players who were 10-12 years old from the youth basketball team (Under 13) of Istanbul Marmara University Basketball School were tested voluntarily in this study. In this study, the German Heidelberger Basketball Tests; tourniquet test, dribbling test, shooting test, and passing test were applied on the basketball field with synthetic surface of the Istanbul Marmara University in 2018. The Wilcoxon test for the comparison of pre- and post-tests of the groups were used for statistical analyses. In conclusion, the findings suggest that the differential learning group showed the improvement in performance. These findings may be useful for trainers and physical education teachers in the selection process of players and in preparing basketball training programs.


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differential learning, basketball, motor skill, training program, learning theory, basketball test

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