A schema is an intrinsic cognitive structure that helps an individual to organize all the messages absorbed and form a knowledge structure, which functions in helping one to learn and comprehend new things. Most studies of schemas have focused on schema-based teaching and explored learning outcomes, but few studies have discussed the development and construction of such schemas. This study centers on the issue of young children learning Chinese characters, explores the formation process of a schema, and attempts to quantify the establishment of a schema in an innovative research design. This study adopts an experimental approach with the process of intervention teaching, and makes comparisons between the pre-test and post-test to measure learning effectiveness. The results of this study verify that the schema theory does not exist only as an abstract concept, but also as one which can be recorded and described quantitatively. The result also indicates the number of teaching times and the accumulation of learning experience that are required in the establishment of a schema for young children learning Chinese characters. This study proves again that the schema theory has a positive impact on learning effectiveness.
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