Giannis Manginas, Constantinos Nikolantonakis, Spyridoula Gounaropoulou


This research attempts to determine the relationship between musical Audiation and mathematical performance in second grade children. 36 children (N = 36) participated in the survey, 15 of whom were boys (N = 15) and 21 were girls (N = 21). For the assessment of musical audiation, Gordon's “Elementary Musical Audiation Measures” (Stamou, Schmidt & Humphreys, 2006) and a mathematical performance appraisal tool for second grade students were used by the researchers. The results showed a strong relationship between the overall performance of the musical Audiation and the mathematical performance, while also being a significant predictive factor. According to the results, the gender factor does not seem to be of any importance in the students' performance.


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musical audiation, elementary musical audiation measurements, mathematical performance, prediction of mathematical performance

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