The aim of the study was to examine the role of traditional cultural beliefs ceremonies on girls’ access to secondary school education provision in Tanzania. The study was done in urban Njombe region. Specifically at Luhororo, Uwemba and Mpechi secondary, and also at Luponde Madobole and Mkela primary school. The targeted population was students and parents. The study employed qualitative approach. Randomly and purposive sampling were used. Data were collected through structured and semi-structured interview. Data were analyzed through thematic analysis. The findings revealed that, most of the traditional cultural beliefs ceremonies does not fervor the equal chance for boys and girls in provision of education specifically secondary education in Tanzania. Also the girls’ access to formal education been hampered by traditional convictions that girls do not need education, because their main responsibility is limited within the household. The study recommended that the society needs powerful traditional culturally beliefs based campaigns to enable it eliminate all traditional practices, beliefs and attitudes that discriminate against girls’ access to secondary education in Tanzania.
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