This study explored how dynamic mathematics software package called GeoGebra contributed to participants’ learning and understanding of equations involving modulus functions. The research followed a case study approach with a small group of six participants in a Sixth Form classroom in England. It research focused on participants’ experiences as the used technology to support their understanding of the concept: modulus functions. It highlights how participants used GeoGebra to correct some misconceptions about equations involving modulus functions and also investigate the source of some spurious answers obtained when using algebraic methods to solve the equations. The focus of the study was on how participants utilised GeoGebra to address misconceptions and perceptions about modulus functions. The main research questions that guided this study focused on how participants used GeoGebra to support their understanding of modulus functions and how GeoGebra related and contributed towards their whole learning experiences. The study found that GeoGebra provided a medium of visualisation that linked abstract aspects of modulus functions with graphical illustrations. Conclusion: Working with GeoGebra extended participants’ understanding of modulus functions.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2049
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