In today's sports organizations, volunteers work in almost all positions and make important contributions to the success of the organization. As a free workforce, volunteers are considered to be an important human resource for the organization to reach its goal. One of the prerequisites for voluntary participation is the well-being and happiness of the person. In this study, the motivations and subjective happiness of the volunteer participants who participated in the Camp Leadership training of the Ministry of Youth and Sports were investigated. The study group consisted of 396 volunteer participants who participated in Youth Camp Leadership training in 2017 in Antalya. The Sports Activities Volunteer Motivation Scale (SAVMS) developed by Farell, Johnston and Twynam (1998) which was adapted into Turkish and validated by Yildiz, Yildirim and Kocak (2015) was used as a data collection tool in determining volunteer motivation. Another data collection tool was "Subjective Happiness Scale" developed by Lyumbomirsky and Lepper (1999) which was adapted and validated by Akın and Bayi (2011) into Turkish. As a result, there was a significant and positive relationship between voluntary motivation and subjective happiness (r = 0.281; p <0.01), and only gender among the control variables had a significant effect (β = -0.179) on happiness variable.
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