Biochemistry is one of the required course in biology education department, Universitas Sulawesi Barat. However, in this course, there is not yet available teaching materials that help students to make scientific skills. Therefore, the authors felt attracted to develop a valid biochemistry teaching materials based on Group Investigation (GI). The type of this study is R&D, adapting 4-D (define, design, develop, and disseminate) model has been developed by Thiagarajan. The developed teaching materials, consisting of the lesson plan, assessment instruments (affective, cognitive, psychomotor), and biochemistry textbook. To view the validity of teaching materials, we used the validation sheets instrument. The teaching materials in this study were validated by the content expert, teaching materials expert, instructional design expert, and biochemistry lecturer. Validation results showed the average percentage of assessment by content expert is 83% (valid); teaching materials expert is 82% (valid); instructional design expert is 80% (valid); and biochemistry lecturer is 84% (valid). Furthermore, the results of testing readability of small groups consisting of 21 students who have different academic ability (high, middle, and low) showed the average percentage of assessment is 83% (valid). The product has good quality and the potential to implement in biochemistry class.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Muhammad Mifta Fausan, Mesra Damayanti, Indah Panca Pujiastuti, Muhiddin Palennari, Muhammad Danial
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