The aim of the study is to examine the psychometric properties of the Mindfulness in Parenting Questionnaire developed by McCaffrey, Reitman and Black (2017) in Turkish parents. At the beginning of the study, linguistic equivalence was examined. After observing that the scale is linguistically equivalent to the original form, the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was applied for the construct validity. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was employed to calculate fit indices and the results showed that goodness of fit indices of the scale are within acceptable limits for two factor (χ2/sd=1.927, RMSEA=.049, GFI=.90, CFI=.90, IFI=.90) and for the one factor model (χ2/sd=1.904, RMSEA=.049, GFI=.90, CFI=.90, TLI=.90). The Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient was found to range between .73 and .87 for each subscale and the total scale. The results revealed that corrected item total correlations were between .50 and .85 and the t-test results for the upper 27% and lower 27% of scores were significant (p<.05). Also, it was found to significantly correlated with the Parent-Child Communication Scale and the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale. To conclude, Mindfulness in Parenting Questionnaire appears to be a valid and reliable measure for Turkish parents.
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