The study was aimed at finding out the effectiveness of internal supervision of the In-In-Out programme in the Colleges of Education in the Western Region of Ghana. The purpose of the study was to find out problems facing supervision of the In-In-Out programme. The research design for the study is the descriptive survey. This method permitted the researchers to obtain data to determine specific characteristics of the group. In all, 480 respondents were included in the study, which comprised 300 Mentees, 180 Mentors. The instrument used in collecting the data was a questionnaire. Data analysis was mainly descriptive. The study revealed that all the supervisors had a problem with non-payment of allowance for supervision. In addition, the supervisors and mentees hardly used teaching and learning materials during the teaching-learning process. Some of the supervisors did not perform their expected roles. It is recommended that the Teacher Education Division of the Ghana Education Service should provide the supervisors with attractive allowances to enable them to supervise the mentees teaching effectively. Again, the Principals in the Colleges of Education should increase the period for the training of the mentors so that they would acquire all the necessary skills for effective supervision.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2061
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Copyright (c) 2018 Jerry Isaac Ortsin, Ebenezer Appah Bonney, Derrick Kwesi Ntsiful, Genevieve Huedenu, Bliss Cornelius Sedega

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