Siska Nerita, Yulia Sri Hartati, Annika Maizeli, Aulia Afza


Evaluation process and results of biology learning subject discuss evaluation process in learning and designing and processing learning outcomes. This subject is important understood by students so that students can evaluate student learning outcome once they become teachers. In fact, students find it difficult to understand the material of the evaluation process and results of biology learning subject. The unavailability of learning resources that can help students learn independently, such as handouts. The aims of this research are developed handout based on the guided discovery in the evaluation process and results of biology learning subject. This research is a development research using the 4D-model. The research instrument uses observation sheets of student activities consisting of 6 indicators. Handout based on the guided discovery in the evaluation process and results of biology learning subject that have been developed are effective in increasing student learning activities.


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effectiveness handout, guided discovery, evaluation process, biology subject

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2069


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Copyright (c) 2018 Siska Nerita, Yulia Sri Hartati, Annika Maizeli, Aulia Afza

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