Getting something done is always about motivation. Generally, teaching English language to non native speakers takes so much of effort considering the diverse factors that shape the educative process. In a pedagogical vantage point though, success in ESL teaching may be possible through learners' own initiative or motivation. Motivation is viewed as the main factor affecting directly or indirectly English language learning and teaching (Gardner, 1985). This study ventured on the types of motivation of the foundation students of the Ministry of Health Nursing Institute in Oman. A modified and enhanced survey instrument from Gardner's Motivation and Attitude Test Battery instrumented the research flow which was augmented by triangulation method for reliable analysis. Findings reveal that students have closely inter-related reasons for learning English which fall in two major categories: such as “instrumental" and "integrative". Findings also show that students are generally "highly" motivated and slightly "instrumentally" motivated to study English in the institute. Hence, legitimate improvement strategies and co curricular tasks are recommended to be reinforced either to sustain or redirect the existing motivations.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2095
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