Instilling character values since early childhood is a responsibility of parents, educators, tutors, society, and government. For this reason, togetherness, harmony, and partnership in instilling the character values from early childhood must be supported and optimized together. Therefore, this article will discuss the implementation of character values in early childhood in the perspective of the curriculum and parenting of parents at PAUD Islam Sabilal Muhtadin and PAUD Mawaddah, Banjarmasin. Both of these schools apply the implementation of character values through curriculum and parenting parents. This study used the qualitative technique with exposure of informant finding in descriptive. Data collection techniques in this research is by observing participant, interview deeply and documentation analysis. This research was conducted more than one site with the different characteristic (multisite). Based on the results of the analysis of the study, it is concluded that: 1) Implementation of curriculum management supports the implementation of character values in PAUD Islam Sabilal Muhtadin and PAUD Islam Mawaddah Banjarmasin integrated into learning activities in groups and the center of the curriculum are made before the early semester, it is made by the headmaster as well as teacher, and it is made according to the stages of students development 2) Implementation of the program management is carried between school and parents in implementing of parenting through parenting’s activity, family day and other activities 3) Implementation strategies which are used in character education in both schools are habituation, exemplary, assignment, direction and conditioning (cultural).
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