The essence of education is a process for establishing individuals as a whole human. Excellent Human capital is a target of education. University students are always expected to have critical thinking, innovative, independent, and able to solve any problems fast and accurately. Therefore, the lecturers of university are expected to be able to organize learning process using a method which can actively stimulate critical thinking, innovative and independent attitude of the students, so the effective learning can be created. University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri, still uses conventional teaching pattern, i.e. a lecturer must be responsible by himself for all courses he has. Mathematical economic is basic course before the student getting more complicated course, such as calculus, econometrics, etc. Hence, it is required a similar point of view and standard in learning activity, then the learning application based on problem based learning with Lesson Study approach is required. This research aims to improve effectiveness of Mathematical Economic learning using problem based learning method with lesson study approach. The method used in this research is classroom action research through two research cycles. Based on the research finding, generally, it can be concluded that the application of problem based learning (PBL) method using lesson study approach proved to be able to improve the effectiveness of mathematical economic learning.
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