Metacognition is defined as the capacity of the persons to monitor, to regulate and to construct knowledge about their inner processes. Theoretically, this construct is relevant to Education and correlated areas, since the process of learning and knowledge construction involves metacognition. Besides, there are evidences that certain metacognitive components are predictors of academic achievement of the students. Regarding these aspects, this paper proposes a methodology that permits educators to elaborate metacognitive school exams, which are capable of measuring both the students' knowledge of an educational domain (i.e., concepts pertaining to biology, chemistry, history, mathematics, physics, and so on), and the following metacognitive abilities: feeling-of-knowing, monitoring (detection of errors), self-management, and judgment. In this paper, we present the methodology stressing on the steps that enable the teacher to elaborate a school exam capable of measuring a target educational domain, as well as the stated metacognitive abilities. Concomitantly, we apply this methodology, showing the construction of the Metacognitive School Exam in Electrostatics.
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