“Values Education”, which added to Mathematics Teaching Program at the Turkish Academic Year of 2017-2018, is revised and updated as “Our Values” on January of 2018. “Our Values” based on a grown value system that aims to maintain the existence of societies preserve the unity and togetherness of societies and have the real educational success like every stage of individuals’ life. The Ministry of National Education has determined the base values, which should be gained during the education of Mathematics, as justice, friendship, honesty, patience, respect, love, responsibility, patriotism and helpfulness. The aim of this study is making the students realize their own values and making them gain the helpfulness values by using creative drama activities during the education of Mathematics. In this study, “helpfulness value”, which is under the topic of “Our Values” of Mathematics Teaching Program, was tried to put into practise by creative drama activities. In the study, experimental method which contains pretested and postested control group is used in order to show the behaviour difference between experimental group, which activity based creative drama method was applied, and the control group, which activity based creative drama method was not applied. This study is designed as a controlled experimental study with pretest-posttest. The group of study was consisted 106 students, which studying in 3 different provinces (Aydın, Afyon, Uşak) in the same region. Both experimental and control group was consisted by 53 students. In the study, data were collected from “helpfulness scale” which developed by Demirci (2017). As a result of the study, the helpfulness scale score of experimental group, which activity based creative drama was applied is high but there is no meaningful difference between helpfulness scale scores of experimental group and control group.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2161
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Copyright (c) 2018 Nesrin Özsoy, Yıldız Akkaya, Tuğba Tosun, Merve Umurbek, Murat Güçlü, Fatma Eray

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