The purpose of this research is to examine the psychological performance levels of applicants, who prepared for sports tests in Police Vocational Education Centers in Kayseri. 427 applicants, who have been randomly selected, have voluntarily participated in the research. As data collection tools for the research, the Psychological performance Scale which was developed by Loehr J.E. and the Personal Information Form which was prepared by the researcher have been applied. The obtained data has been statistically analyzed via SPSS20.0 package program. The personal information of the applicants and the total score of inventory and total factor scores (f) and percent value have been determined and shown. To compare them with regarding gender the statistics of Mann-Whitney U test have been applied while statistical outputs of Kruskal Wallis test have been applied in order to make comparison with considering their Public Personnel Selection Examination (PPSE) scores, departments that they graduated, educational status of their parents and neighborhoods where they live. As a result of the statistical analyses; when the psychological performance levels of the applicants have been examined, there is no statistically significant difference in accordance with gender while there are statistically significant differences in accordance with (PPSE) scores, departments that they graduated, educational status of their parents and neighborhoods/residences where they live. Consequently, with considering psychological performance of applicants who prepare for sports tests of police vocational training centers it has been expected to contribute to making right choices. Policing is a profession in which the profession requires physical toughness as well as psychological performance. Therefore, in the entrance exams for police vocational education centers, applying psychological performance and psychological tests in addition to sports tests should be considered.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2185
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