Tri Khairunnisa, S. Supramono, Arif Sholahuddin


Permendikbud Number 104 of 2014 emphasizes that the National Curriculum use authentic judgments which prioritize not only the assessment at the end of learning but also the assessment of processes during learning. The 2013 curriculum encourages the use of portfolios made by students as the main instrument of assessment. Teachers in general are familiar with portfolio assessment, but there are difficulties in applying and adjusting it to the demands of the 2013 curriculum. Science process skills that are in line with the scientific approach in the 2013 curriculum have not been the focus of many goals in learning activities. This study attempts to use portfolio assessment to assess students' science process skills which are declared valid, practical, and effective in the concept of classification of living things. The design used to develop the device is the Tessmer design with the research sample being VII grade students at Al Mazaya Islamic Middle School in Banjarmasin. The sample used in the one-to-one evaluation phase consists of five respondents from teachers and students. The stage of the small group evaluation consists of one teacher and six students, and the stage of the field test was conducted in two classes, each of which had twenty-five students. The portfolio assessment focuses on the topic of classification of living things. The results of the study indicate the achievement of learning activities based on the activities of teachers and students and the effectiveness of achieving learning objectives. The results of the study show that portfolio assessment of the concept of classification of living things can assess and train students' science process skills, even though the overall value has not received maximum results.


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assessment, portfolio, science process skills

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