S. Samsuni, Uripto Trisno Santoso, Muhammad Kusasi


Students have difficulty doing practice so that many students who do not engage themselves actively in learning use teaching materials in grade VII SMP science students book the subject matter of changes in objects around us. The teaching materials have not maximally described guided inquiry. The purpose of the study was to produce a prototype of the subject matter material for the change of objects around us based on guided inquiry that is valid, practical and effective to improve science process skills and student learning outcomes. The development research method refers to the Borg and Gall Research and Development (R & D) development model but only reaches the final product improvement stage. The research subjects of seventh grade of SMP 2 Daha Utara were 23 people (12 males, 11 females), seventh grade in SMP 1 Daha Selatan as many as 24 people (13 males, 12 females) and seventh grade students in SMP 5 Daha Selatan as many as 20 people (11 men; 9 women). Students of Daha Utara 2 Public High School and Daha Selatan 1 Junior High School in the experimental class were given treatment with guided inquiry-based teaching material while the control class of Daha Selatan Middle School 5 was treated with student book teaching materials. Before the treatment each class was given a pretest. During the treatment of teachers and students observed 2 observers equipped with observation sheets. After the treatment was given posttest. The results of the study found 87.75% validity (very valid) and readability of 95.83% (very good). The practicality of the experimental class is better than the control class. Guided inquiry-based teaching materials are valid, practical and descriptively effective for improving science process skills and student learning outcomes but inferentially are not effective for improving science process skills and student learning outcomes.


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teaching materials, guided inquiry, science process skills, learning outcomes

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