Bakhrudin All Habsy, Fitri Wahyuni


Some sequences of self-study about practical exploration for solutions through intentionality transcendence phenomenology by Andi Mappiare-AT creates deep philosophy, also presenting new paradigm of nusantara culture based counseling: KIPAS “Konseling Intensif Progresif Adaptif Struktur” has the acronym of KIPAS. The main content of nusantara culture based counseling model: KIPAS is real in the affirmation of the name. Procedure of KIPAS is conditioned to be “culture-friendly” by considering cultural research results in Indonesia and appreciation to practical Indonesian Guidance and Counseling as embodiment of UUD 1945, Pancasila, Sangsaka Merah Putih, and Bhineka Tunggal Ika. The conception of nusantara culture based counselling model: KIPAS is the effort of pioneering to the purpose of nusantara culture based counseling model which has been designed to be adaptable to the school management and national macro structure.The focus of this study is the effort to find production space of Nusantara alternative social study that will be realized in the effort of digging up the treasure of nusantara culture based counseling model: KIPAS. These tasks and challenges should be carried on by “organic intellectual” in Indonesia.


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counseling model KIPAS, scientific foundation, nusantara culture

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