Nurita Widianti, Ario Hendartono


Indonesia is known as the largest maritime and archipelagic country in the world which 70% of its territory consisting of sea. It makes some islands in Indonesia are separated by the sea. However, it does not become the barrier for connecting one island to the other islands. In this case, the mode of sea transportation has the important roles and very closely related for connecting these islands. The maritime triumphs began to setback after the Demak kingdom and its junk fleet was defeated by the Portuguese fleet in Malacca strait and also since the invasion of VOC fleet in the colonial era, those two factors caused the descent of maritime glory and the new Mataram kingdom no longer had its fleet. At that time, the character assassination to foster interest of maritime field from generation to generation had decreased significantly with a lack of utilizing that wealth. By looking at the chronologies mentioned previously, the researchers tend to observe from the psychological aspect, the reason why does it happen. The objectives of this study are 1) to find out the factors which causes the decline of the youth generation’s interest toward the “nawacita” or the dream of maritime field, 2) to find out how to increase the youth generation’s interest toward “nawacita” or dream of maritime field, and 3) to find out the youth generation’s interest related to the values of maritime characters. This study is a qualitative research which taking teenage respondents of senior high school grade. Whereas, the data collection techniques used in this study are interview and observation which are conducted to the respondents. After the data is obtained, the data processing techniques used are qualitative analysis techniques. The results of the study are the causative factors of the youth generation’s interest decline in the aspiration of the maritime field. There are two factors founded, namely 1) internal factors, factors which are originated from the self-individual aspect such as concentration, curiosity, motivation and needs, 2) the external factors, factors which are originated from the outside of individual aspects such as the influence of the surrounding, influence of the social environment, factors of the family environment, and factors of the school environment.


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interest, maritime, young generation

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