Mobbing and burnout are phenomena that can be observed in many organizations. The effect of mobbing behavior on athlete burnout in this study was examined on university students in the Universities League (UNILIG) futsal competitions. The data were obtained from futsal players (n=72) who participated in the UNILIG, East Anatolian Group Futsal Competitions, in Turkey, during the 2017-2018 season. This study used the NAQ-F (Negative Acts Questionnaire—Football) scale developed by Yildiz (2015b) to measure mobbing and the ABQ (Athlete Burnout Questionnaire) scale developed by Raedeke and Smith (2001) to measure burnout. The football terms in the NAQ-F scale and the sports terms in the ABQ scale have been converted into futsal terms. A five-point Likert scale was used for both scales. First, validity and reliability analysis of the scales were performed, then hierarchical regression analysis was used to determine the effect of mobbing behavior on burnout. Reliability of the scales was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha. The values of Cronbach’s alpha obtained for NAQ-F (α=0.770) and ABQ (α=0.871), indicating very good reliability scores and exceeding the 0.70 threshold cited in the literature. Hierarchical regression analysis indicated that mobbing behavior significantly and positively influenced burnout of futsal players (ß=0.489; P<0.001).
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