Onur Oral


Purpose: As a result of people becoming more conscious about healthy living, life habits of individuals are improving. People are spending more time on their physical activities and they pay more attention to healthy eating. All these changes affect their life styles and by making healthier choices, increase their quality of lives. The aim of the present study is to determine the association between the healthy living quality and physical activity levels of the students at Ege University Sports Sciences Faculty. Materials and Methods: Target population of the study includes 165 volunteer students that were accessible and willing to participate. Data was collected using the survey form that was prepared by researchers and international short physical activity scale. Results: 72,7% male, 93,9% single students participating in the study; average age of 22.5 has emerged. In the information about the working status of the students stated that 50,9% did not work, 12,7% worked partly and 33,3% worked full-time. 39,4% of the students stated that their monthly incomes were adequate and 66,7% of them were found to have medium academic achievement. Mental health status was above average (65,9879) 89,7% of the study participants have no health problems and average BMI is 22.84. Conclusions: The data that was acquired during our study presents the importance of exercise and physical activity.


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socio-demographic characteristics, physical activity levels, sports sciences faculty students

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2278


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